guess what?!?! You know the ward I just came from in my old area-- the Rizal ward that I LOVE? Rizal ward is part of Santiago stake and they had their stake conference yesterday. The stake was divided and they created Santiago 2nd stake because there were 10 priesthood that were advanced to the Melchizedek priesthood from the Rizal ward that were all converted while I was serving there. Isn't that INCREDIBLE?!?!? Oh my heavens, I wish I could have been there to see them all stand up and be sustained.
Because they created a new stake in Santiago, two Elders from the 1st quorom of the seventy came here to our mission this week. Elder Brent Nielson and Elder Ian Ardern. Elder Ardern is the one with the sweet accent that just spoke in conference about how we use our time. He is from New Zealand.
Anyway, they came and taught us on Friday night and it was AMAZING. Everything they taught us was SO inspired, we all learned a ton. One of their topics was how we all must CHANGE. Read Mosiah 27:25. It isn't enough to read the scriptures, to pray every day and go to church every week if we keep doing the same things we've always done and we don't learn to act and to change.
They started playing christmas music and putting up christmas lights last month, so it makes me feel like I'm coming home soon.
I have now done two different exchanges with the sister missionaries. The first one was in an area called maddela and the travel is 4 hours one way. I totally don't feel like I should be training these sisters because I still feel so new. I felt pretty nervous about that first exchange because I didn't really know what I was doing and how I could help the sister I was with, but I found that I really was able to give her some new ideas and help her identify some places she could improve. It was fun.
Last week we split in an area only an hour away and it also went well. I think I'm really going to like this because I get to share all the things I have learned throughout my mission with other sisters! And I get to visit all the areas in the mission that I wasn't assigned to! Yeah!
Well, I guess that is all I have time for now. Love you all so much!
Love, sister webre
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