I had another FANTASTIC week.
I know I promised you a longer e-mail this week, but I had a project to finish, which left me with little time AGAIN. But I still love you more than ever and I am sending you a more long and detailed snail mail letter tomorrow!!
I hope you enjoy the wedding festivities and I'll try not to think about you too much.
We have so much work to do here!!
We are teaching more families than ever and it is a truly amazing feeling. We just baptized our second family on saturday (Grace and Marlon Olimon) and they bore such strong testimonies afterwards, I just sat there and cried and I wondered if I could ever feel more love or joy than I felt that moment. The gospel really changed their lives, and I got to see the transformation. They radiate happiness now, and Marlon was able to get rid of his addictions to alchohol and cigarettes.
In fact, I told sister Villamor that I don't want to go home because I don't want to leave all these people I love and I don't want these amazing feelings of complete joy and love--the spirit so strong ALL the time-- I don't want it to go away.
The gospel changes hearts and lives. The atonement is the center of all things. God's plan for us is happiness. This is His true CHURCH! I love being a missionary!
Have a wonderful week and continue to conquer the enemy of righteousness (Satan)
Sister Webre
These are my favorite verses of the week!
33Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
34Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind; and the willing and obedient shall eat the good of the land of Zion in these last days
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